
Owning Cafe Moments
Cafe today is the largest selling plain sweet biscuit in Pakistan and the jewel in the crown of Mayfair.
Brand Strategy & Branding
Brand Identity & Packaging
Brand Positioning Statement
Brand ID & Seed
Communication Strategy
Ideation & Storytelling
TV Concept & Storyboard
Copy & Content Writing
Key Visuals
Print Ads & OOH
Production Management
Still Photography

Ideation & Storytelling
Tea consumption has become not just a hot drink but an elaborate social institution in which Cafe’s role was a natural fit. A biscuit brand was created and ideated around owning ‘Tea Culture’ for the first time.
Cafe’s story developed around “enriching tea moments,” and the identity of the communication built the story further. Enrichment was defined as ‘Strengthening Social Sharing Over Tea’ where ‘Café Culture,’ the moments around tea is where friendships are made strong, stories told, laughter permeates, and bonds strengthened.
All such moments were targeted and incorporated into our Café Story, where we talked about ‘Khul Jaata Hai Café’ (The Café Opens), signifying that when you open the biscuit pack, it opens up this entire world around you.